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11 Reasons to go Jeepin’!

Why do you off-road?

For me, it’s not just a sport, it’s also a lifestyle (Jeep Wave, anyone?!). Jeepin’ is not my whole life, but it’s a big part of what my family and I enjoy. And, it’s afforded me some amazing opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise experienced.

Lately I’ve been a bit melancholy – due in part to the rainy/cold weather and lack of sleep (new puppy!). But, greenery is springing forth and trails are opening as the sun chases away the last of winter- what better time to remember what’s great about Jeepin’!! Here are some reasons I wheel…

Get outdoors!

Need I say more? The forest and all that's in it is good for body and soul – science even says so!

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Mountain views!

The mountains bring, for me, feelings of peace, wonder, awe, and sometimes a healthy dose of fear. I never tire of these views.

Fresh air!

During breaks on the trail I like to take a deep, deep breath and fill my lungs with fresh, crisp, clean air. Mountain air has got to be the freshest in the world!

Awesome campsites!

One reason we wheel is to get to out-of-the-way dispersed camping areas. The farther away we are from civilization, the better!

Good company!

Some of our best friends are those with whom we wheel and camp. Nothing beats time in the fresh air or meals and talk around the campfire to bring people together!


I’d wheeled a few trails and then we, and friends, took on the Rock Garden. That was the most technical trail I’d done to date and I was shaking by the time we got to the top! That was a big challenge, but I also learned a lot and had a ton of fun!

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Flexy Friday photo ops!

Often trails will have an off-road “playground” with large rocks for posing rigs in various contortions. It’s fun to see how far a Jeep can f-l-e-x!

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Family time!

Away from TV, phones, and video games, wheeling (and camping) are times for our family to talk, bond, and explore the natural world. I think it’s important to share wheeling and camping experiences with our son, and I know others who wheel with their kids and I think that’s admirable! You are, after all, raising a future wheeler - right?!

Do good!

Go Jeepin’ for a cause! Groups like Wheelers for the Wounded of Colorado and JK cOlllllllOrado hold trail runs where donations and/or entry fees are given to charity. And, groups like Colorado Four Wheelers arrange trail runs so volunteers can perform trail cleanup and repair activities.

Practice off-road skills!

Jeepin’ takes skill. I didn’t realize how much until I wheeled my first few trails and quickly found out that things like preparedness, tire placement and [low] speed really matter. Running trails, especially with a group of more experienced Jeepers, is a great way to practice and improve your [off-road] driving prowess.

Fodder for my blog!

Ok, why stop at an even 10 reasons to go Jeepin’? For me, off-roading also provides experiences to share with you!

Leave a comment below and share why you go Jeepin’ or off-roading!

Happy Trails!

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