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CC4K – Toys for Tots Caravan 2017

If you live in Colorado or southern Wyoming and missed out on last weekend’s Christmas Caravan for Kids in Denver, mark your calendars for next year and follow CC4K for updates on the 2018 event – because it’s definitely one to attend!

On Saturday, December 2, hundreds of Jeeps (and a few other vehicles) convened at various designated meet-up locations around the state and caravanned into Denver to check out off-road vendors, a chance to win prizes, some awesome food and good fun!

Attending an event like this is worthwhile for several reasons:

1. Do some good. Attendees were told to bring an unwrapped kids toy to donate to Toys for Tots. Donations were accepted at the event by U.S. Marines, to benefit kids who otherwise might not get anything for Christmas.

2. Jeep mod ideas! Many of the vendors were Jeep-specific though there were also general off-road vendors and one that specialized in Toyota mods. Talking to the vendors at events like this one provides a multitude of ideas and time to drool over all the sweet rigs on display!

3. Join a group or plan a trip. There were high quality off-road groups at this event like Wheelers for the Wounded of Colorado, JKcOlllllllOrado, 4Xploring, Colorado 4x4 Rescue & Recovery, Mile-Hi Jeep Club, and many more. Visiting with their reps makes for a learning experience about what they do, where they run trails, how to join, and so on.

4. Back country adventure and camp gear improvements. Gain knowledge and see examples of back country gear you might be considering. There were several kinds of roof-top tents on display, camp gear, and knowledgeable people with whom to converse about adventuring in the great outdoors.

At the end of the day I realized I’d been so busy talking to people and ogling the Jeeps on display (and in the parking lot!) that I hadn’t taken many photos – I lost count of how many times I said, “Oh wow, look at that!” Next year I’ll certainly snap more pics, but here’s a few for your perusal.

Thanks for reading! Here's to an adventurous December, wherever it takes you!!


by Dawn Gallegos

Dawn Gallegos is the founding editor of the Chicks On The Rocks blog. When she's not working to fund her Jeep habit she's thinking up new ways to inspire others to explore the great outdoors.


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